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Common issues with running multi-channel retail operations


Lack of visibility of accurate stock levels across multiple locations and stores and availability of stock to fulfill sales orders


Unable to capture and record key customer information as data requirements graduate from transaction details to customer details


Not having a consolidated view of your customers – across all sales channels


Lengthy delivery timescales in your direct sales channel


Quickly onboarding new supplier to organization preferred suppliers list and negotiating better terms with the suppliers

For any size business organization having an ERP system will help improve business processes which takes the pressure off from workforce staff so they can focus on connecting with customers, clients, suppliers, and potential partners. More than that, an ERP system gives business the ability to expand the resource base and extend customer reach across multiple locations and multiple points of interest without adding extra overhead.

Our customers use Axolt ERP for Retail to:


Maintain the logistical path of your entire workforce, from the think tank to the assembly line.


From maintaining your inventory to accounting for marketing costs, to reducing expenditures on distribution and transportation


Whether you sell on a single website, multiple branded sites or online marketplaces, all transactions and their corresponding data are centrally processed and visible in real-time


Establishing Comprehensive rewards management including discounts, vouchers with multiple loyalty Programs, and multiple earning and redemption promotions within different program tiers.


Managing weight, height, color, multi Tier discounts, cross-sell or up-sell, or other attribute-based variants/SKUs to track products. Providing the ability to Configure cross-sell and up-sell—enforcing business rules while prompting agents to respond to higher-value orders.


Enabling and Running in-store sales with strong POS (Point of Sales) Module.


Real-time dashboards provide a complete picture of the retail business. Real-time dashboards organization can measure KPIs and align business on common goals in a visual format.


The support logistics scheduling Module produces an integrated distribution and load plan of a Warehouse for efficient storage and movement of goods.


Quickly and easily process requests to purchase goods, with the easy and real-time approval process.


Create, manage, and track shipments with a full 360-degree view, and respond instantly and accurately to customer delivery status requests.
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