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Axolt ERP for Distribution

With Axolt ERP for Distribution, you can optimize every facet of your operation-from inventory and warehouse management, financials, multi-channel sales orders, shipping, purchasing, supplier management, logistical power, and more. Ability to offer superior customer service and responsiveness, you’ll manage transactions with unparalleled visibility across the business, allowing for better and faster decision-making. Accelerate your pace of business growth and your profitability with technology innovations from Axolt for the Distribution Industry.

Our customers use Axolt ERP for Distribution to:

Connect and engage customers on multiple levels

Increase business intelligence with accurate, real-time data with dashboards, and mobile technology to provide employees with immediate access to the right information to help make better decisions.

Optimise entire distribution process, Operate and grow businesses locally and globally.

Manage a variety of inventory arrangements like FIFO (first-in, first-out) and LIFO (Last-in, first-out), and Improved inventory control and order fulfillment

Provide buyers with the best information to help them optimise purchase conditions and improve margins.

Support complex pricing arrangements, rebates, and claims between suppliers, distributors, and customers.

Optimise order picking process in warehouse and distribution logistics, including temporary storage, and returns processing

Improve the conversation between suppliers, distributors, and customers through social and Portal technologies.
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