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Queuing System

Create a Hassle-free waiting experience and offer great customer experience and efficient customer service. We build flexible and interactive Queue Management Solutions. Enhance customer satisfaction and let them own a better experience by providing a versatile platform

We optimize the Queuing Management System to enhance efficiency and to enhance customer satisfaction. Reduces costs and minimizes the expenditures investing in more manpower requirements. Procure the greatest features with a potential streamline of the mobile workflow process of Queue Management solutions cost-effectively.


A queue works almost on the same methodology used at banks or supermarkets, where the customer is treated according to its arrival.

Arrival check

Check-in is the process whereby people announce their arrival at a hotel, airport, hospital, seaport, or event.

Queue Wait List

Queue Wait List is the process where waiting time of the people at a hotel, airport, hospital, seaport, or event is been displayed.


An enterprise queue management system

Streamline the customer flow in all your branches, reduce the waiting time, and have full control over your branches. It’s all possible with Bookingkare’s Queue Management system.

No matter what your business needs are, our system can be tailored to fit your specific requirements, from a standalone queue system to a complete enterprise solution for multiple branches with numerous employees, services, and regions.

Empowered with an advanced business intelligence system, you can monitor your employees and branches in real-time, analyze your business performance, and predict trends in order to make insightful decisions that transform your business.

Main benefits of smart queue system

The Queue management system can streamline between walk-ins and appointments to ensure a smooth customer journey. Notify customers about their turn through various methods: SMS and mobile app.

Reduces customer wait and service time by 50%

Increase customer happiness level

Ensure a seamless customer journey.

Manage all appointments through one online calendar planner to help your business run like clockwork.

Eliminates irregular and haphazard queuing

Boost your revenue with cross-selling.

Measure performance and drive operational efficiency.


Queue Management

Run a well-organized queuing system for organizations with multi-locations. The queue management intelligently uses real-time data to start the countdown to manage the client and ensure clients are attended with in the defined wait time. The queue management system is configured to view the estimated wait time at a glance and generate tokens. Let’s you add walk-in appointments and add them to the queue by capturing client’s basic information like name, phone, email, services and more.


Queue Allocation

Queue allocation is nothing but allocating the queue based on there services and there resources. Select the resource to allocate it in the queue.


Arrival check

Check-in is the process whereby people announce their arrival at a hotel, airport, hospital, seaport, or event.
Navigate to arrival check-In in location and Enter the details and select check-in ,Token will be generated and that token will be added to the queue.



Workbench is for the service provider where Resource can manage their customer appointments.
Filter and Manage the registration by using serve now. And you can reschedule & cancel your appointments by using action and finish to complete your service.


Queue Wait List

Queue Wait List is the process where waiting time of the people at a hotel, airport, hospital, seaport, or event is been displayed. Waiting time will be running for a particular appointment or an event. Once the appointment has been started it will display the total waited time. And finally when the Appointment is completed that token number will be removed from the wait list

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